LUFT High Technology with Experience
LUFT brand was located 25.000 m2 Indoor area Bandirma factory and our HVAC production line contains Comfort , Hygiene and Industrial type Modular Air Handling Units, Compact Air Handling Units, Industrial Dyehouse Air Handling Units, Exhaust Fans, Heat Recovery Equipments, Kitchen Ecological Units, Fan Coils, Jet Fans-Tunnel Fans, Swimming Pool Dehumidifiers, Industrial Condensing Units with high technology and experience.
Our Company is also Turkey Franchisor distributor of Nederland origin BlyGOLD Corrosion Protection Systems and Russian origin BRONYA trade mark Professional series Thermal Liquid Insulations.
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Comfort and Hygiene Modular Air Handling Units
LUFT Rooftop Packaged Unit
Luftsis developed the VRF-based ROOFTOP rooftop packaged air conditioner for the first time in Turkey and in the world.
LUFT VRF System Air Conditioners
6. Generation LUFT VRF System Air Conditioners are on SALES NOW. With 7 years Corrosion and 5 Years Compressor Warranty
BLYGOLD Corrosion Protection Systems
LUFTSIS AS is autorised Turkey partner of Nederland origined Blygold Int.
LUFT Air Handling Units (AHU)
LUFT "Executive" Series Air Handling Units.
LUFT Industrial AHU for Painting Plants
LUFT Industrial Paint Shop Air Handling Units.
LUFT Air to Air Heat Recovery Units
LUFT (HR) Counter Flow Heat Recovery and Energy Recovery (ER) units.
LUFT Fan Coil
LUFT Fan Coil units have been produce in ITALY under our OEM aggrement.
LUFT Air Heater / Cooler Units
LUFT unit Heaters / Coolers are manufactured in Italy with high technology and quality under our OEM agreement.
LUFT Pool Dehumidifiers
LUFT Pool Dehumidifiers pick up the heat and moisture from the enviroment to condition the environment.
LUFT Rooftop Packaged Unit
Luftsis developed the VRF-based ROOFTOP rooftop packaged air conditioner for the first time in Turkey and in the world.
LUFT VRF System Air Conditioners
6. Generation LUFT VRF System Air Conditioners are on SALES NOW. With 7 years Corrosion and 5 Years Compressor Warranty
BLYGOLD Corrosion Protection Systems
LUFTSIS AS is autorised Turkey partner of Nederland origined Blygold Int.
LUFT Air Handling Units (AHU)
LUFT "Executive" Series Air Handling Units.
LUFT Industrial AHU for Painting Plants
LUFT Industrial Paint Shop Air Handling Units.
LUFT Air to Air Heat Recovery Units
LUFT (HR) Counter Flow Heat Recovery and Energy Recovery (ER) units.
LUFT Fan Coil
LUFT Fan Coil units have been produce in ITALY under our OEM aggrement.
LUFT Air Heater / Cooler Units
LUFT unit Heaters / Coolers are manufactured in Italy with high technology and quality under our OEM agreement.
LUFT Pool Dehumidifiers
LUFT Pool Dehumidifiers pick up the heat and moisture from the enviroment to condition the environment.
LUFT Rooftop Packaged Unit
Luftsis developed the VRF-based ROOFTOP rooftop packaged air conditioner for the first time in Turkey and in the world.
LUFT VRF System Air Conditioners
6. Generation LUFT VRF System Air Conditioners are on SALES NOW. With 7 years Corrosion and 5 Years Compressor Warranty
BLYGOLD Corrosion Protection Systems
LUFTSIS AS is autorised Turkey partner of Nederland origined Blygold Int.
LUFT Air Handling Units (AHU)
LUFT "Executive" Series Air Handling Units.
LUFT Industrial AHU for Painting Plants
LUFT Industrial Paint Shop Air Handling Units.
LUFT Air to Air Heat Recovery Units
LUFT (HR) Counter Flow Heat Recovery and Energy Recovery (ER) units.
LUFT Fan Coil
LUFT Fan Coil units have been produce in ITALY under our OEM aggrement.
LUFT Air Heater / Cooler Units
LUFT unit Heaters / Coolers are manufactured in Italy with high technology and quality under our OEM agreement.
LUFT Pool Dehumidifiers
LUFT Pool Dehumidifiers pick up the heat and moisture from the enviroment to condition the environment.
LuftBOND Yüzey Kaplama Sistemi: Bu uygulamada fabrikasyon metal işleme tezgâhlarından çıkan tüm metalik yüzeyler içten ve dıştan, dünyada kullanılan en üst metal kaplama yöntemi olan 7 aşamalı KATAFOREZ kaplama yapılmakta ve sonrasında tesisimiz içerisindeki elektrostatik toz boyama hattında boyanmaktadır. Bu uygulama Türkiye HVAC sektöründe ilk'tir ve ürünlerimize standart olarak 7 YIL KOROZYON garantisi verilmektedir.
LuftIOT: Yüksek standartlı ürünlerimizin IOT bazlı standart GSM servis sağlayıcıları kullanılarak WEB üzerinden worldwide takip ve kontrol sistemidir.
LuftWARE: Web tabanlı ürün secim ve dizayn programımızdır.